Montefiore dell'Aso

Since 2003 certified as one of “the most beautiful Italian towns”, this charming medieval village sits on top of five different hills.Ancient populations dedicated to craftsmanship occupied this territory since Paleolithic and Neolithic eras.Of special beauty are the city's churches, first of all the collegiate church of Santa Lucia (patron saint of Montefiore), which houses many paintings and temperas by Luigi Fontana.An extraordinary Carlo Crivelli's polyptych (XVcen.) representing San Ludovico from Toulouse, Santa Chiara, Santa Caterina from Alexandria, San Pietro and Maria Maddalena is exhibited in Museum Centre of San Francisco.Inside the Museums Centre there are also many works of the fellow painter Adolfo de Carolis, while many of his prints can be found in the Town Hall; the Film Museum with Giancarlo Basili Documentation Centre; the museum dedicated to the painter Domenico Cantatore and to Rural Life.The Centre is housed inside the convent of the Romanesque-Gothic church of San Francesco, which houses the tomb of the painter De Carolis and also boasts a Baroque interior. Photo Credit Andrea Girolami
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