
Cycling holidays

Percorso per allenati e pratici di mtb, caratterizzato da salite non molto impegnative e da alcuni tratti in discesa tecnici, veloci e molto divertenti.

Cycling holidays

L’itinerario percorre, per buona parte, la strada del ROSSO PICENO SUPERIORE, vino a denominazione di origine controllata(D.O.C.); nonchè alcuni tratti interessati al fenomeno calanchivo (CALANCHI).


Offida has won the award as one of the “Most beautiful Italian towns”. The Rocca dominates the town from above: a fortress featuring two cylindrical towers of special beauty.


ito Livio, the latin historian, tells about the healing properties of the sulphureous water of Acquasanta Terme in his works, underlining its uniqueness and effectiveness even compared to the most famous one of Toscana.


It is believed that the first form of urban settlement that eventually gave rise to the town of Montegiorgio existed since prehistoric times.

Cycling holidays

L’itinerario si sviluppa lungo strade asfaltate a scarso traffico veicolare, salvo poche eccezioni per gli inevitabili attraversamenti di vie di maggiore comunicazione


The historical origins of Comunanza town are very old and they are closely related to the tradition of a powerful fortress nearby: Monte Pasillo.


Montedinove rises on the top of a hill, between the fertil valleys that come along with the rivers Aso and Tesino without interruption to the Adriatic sea.


The city of Montalto delle Marche lies on a hill, between the rivers Aso and Tesino, in a privileged position from which you can enjoy a wonderful sight that includes the Maiella mountains, the Gran Sasso massif...

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Borgo Offida

Residence Stella Marina - Beach holiday with your dog

for 7 days, three-room apartment (4/6 places) from € 270

Villa Marchetti
Valid until 01/09/2024

Harvest and wine. E.V charge

Stay in Villa Marchetti in September and you will be able to participate in the harvest and start making your own wine

Hotel Ideal

Promozione "Piano famiglia 4 = 3"

2 adulti + 2 bambini paganti = 3 tariffe intere.

Camping Villaggio Calypso

Active grannies, happy grankids !

Holiday at the sea for children with their grannies.

Residence Stella Marina

Residence Stella Marina, living room with all comforts

Residence Stella Marina, stay with all comforts, in formula deluxe, starting from euro 375 per week, per apartment 4 beds

Borgo Offida

Residence Stella Marina - Beach holiday with your dog

for 7 days, three-room apartment (4/6 places) from € 270

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