

The historical origins of Comunanza town are very old and they are closely related to the tradition of a powerful fortress nearby: Monte Pasillo.


The town of Cossignano lies on the top of a hill and it is surrounded by a medieval city wall, where nowadays still stands the big tower of San Giorgio (XIV century) with its Gothic door.


Near Falerone, in the 1960s, some archaeological exavation dug up some ruins of an ancient necropolis...


The urban settlement of Force occurred thanks to the populations of the near valleys, that were looking for a safe place in which refuge, to escape the barbaric invasions that devastated the whole area in the V century d.C.


Grottammare is a nice town of the “Riviera delle Palme”, situated in an enviable geographical position, near a wonderful valley; each year many tourists choose it in summer as preferred location.

Велосипедные каникулы

Percorso per allenati e pratici di mtb, caratterizzato da salite non molto impegnative e da alcuni tratti in discesa tecnici, veloci e molto divertenti.

Велосипедные каникулы

Starting from Piazza della Libertà we head north for about 190m and just crossed the bridge along the SS16 turn left onto the paved road that follows the river Sant Egidio...

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